Saturday, September 11, 2010

My Baby is 1 month old!!

I know its easy to say I cant believe it but I cant believe it!! Time flies, I know I have a 8 year old who thinks shes 13!! Karina has been making more noises, cooing and smiling more. Which is great when I video-talk to my Mom in Florida. My only complaint is the lack of sleep and things I have not been able to accomplish in the last month. I HATE sitting around and not getting things done, and when you have and infant that nurses every 2 hours, its hard to eat breakfast. So recently I have figured out the method, when she naps I have to run around like a crazy woman and get things done. CRAZY!!
Kyla started 3rd grade wed. The other moms on the block have been so kind to carpool while I'm home with Karina, cause honestly I don't know how I would get out the door in the morning. I do not remember it being this hard the first time. Every day is an adventure in this house, lets see what today leads. !!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Baby is Here!

Last week on Wed August 11th we welcomed Baby Karina Macie into the world,she is tiny at 5 1/2 pounds but absolutely precious in every way. I forgot how small a baby can be until I held her. The labor went very well, I had an epidural and pushed for 3 minutes. My husband was with me the whole time and I couldn't of asked for a better nurse. If anyone lives in the southside MA area I highly recommend delivering at Sturdy Hospital.
I will post more pics soon!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Baby Name Help!

So my due date is arriving tomorrow!! and my husband and I have not decided on a name. I know Ive had 9 months and more to come up with something but honestly, I'm picky(who isn't with naming there child), and can not agree with anything. My daughter was easy, I saw her name and knew that was it. This one I have narrowed it down to 3 names and we cant agree!! I need help, I think I'm going to think of a name after her birth and be upset. I'm getting nervous and the time is coming and I need some ideas.. Have any??

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I might be nervous to go thru the whole birth and pain of having a baby, but I'm ready for her to come out. I'm tired and cant sleep. Not that any of this will change once shes here, but at least I will be able to meet the little one. I'm getting very anxious and the due date is this Friday. With no signs of contractions, maybe my water will break?? I hope I can meet her soon. !!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Baby Bag

Here is the pic of the diaper bag, I bought recently in the cape. Its Very Berry print by Vera bradley.

Baby's Room

We have finally put together the baby's room. I wanted to share some pic's.

With a few shelves to hang and pictures to put up we are almost done, I'm excited how it came out.
*Baby bedding is from, My Baby Sam Paisley
*Curtains are JCPenny Home collection
*small chair is from Home Goods
*Our daughter painted the picture next to the window.

Weekend at the Cape...

We decided last minute to take a weekend away at the cape. Going there as a kid from Connecticut, it would take us 3-4 hours, now we live only 30 mins from the bridge. I can only hope one day we will be able to have a second home there. As peaceful as it is beautiful it's close.
This past weekend we went to Barnstable and Brewster. It is more of the peaceful side as I would like to call it. We were able to spend some time at the beach and do some local shopping.

Our first night we walked over to a local restaurant, where we had some great seafood on the pier.

After dinner we drove a bit down 6A and came across the Brewster Scoop! Great place for an ice cream, the line was out the door and the flavors were to die for. If you ever check it out try the purple cow, with blackrasberry ice cream with chocolate chunks, YUMMY!!

One of my favorite places to walk around was Mashpee Commons, which has everything from locally owned gift shops, for pups to household items and even The Gap!!

On the way home we stopped at this little gift shop on Rte6a Painted Daisies, located in East Sandwich. I knew it would be a great place to stop just by the amount of cars in the parking lot.We picked up a sweet cape cod candle for our dog sitter, a starfish charm for my pandora bracelet, and best of all I finally picked the diaper bag I have been trying to find in a print I can live with. I am a big Vera Bradley fan but its hard for me to stick with one purse for months and since the diaper bag is $100 I don't think I'm going to be switching the diaper bag out every couple months. I will post a pic of it later today!! Now off to enjoy this beautiful 80 degree weather in New England!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

All moved in !!

I promised myself I would not post till I was moved in, and all settled. Settled I am not, moved in I am!! As I sit on our couch on a relaxing Sunday night, I finally can say now I have time to post. I miss posting, I miss reading everyone elses post's and now that I am 38 weeks pregnant and home from work and confined to do only relaxing and calm things during the day I can share my adventures,(or not so adventurous), with everyone else.

This week as I sit at home with my daughter, just waiting to pop, I am starting my list of things to do around the house. I know I am supposed to relax which makes it hard for me to not start my list. On the top of my list is to blog more, I am jealous for those of you that blog 3-4 times a week, because I often catch myself saying "that is something I can blog about". Instead of sharing it with my "friends" on facebook. So on top of my list is to blog more. I am happy to be back!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Curtain HELP!!

Ive been looking for a kitchen valance in red for our new kitchen, and can not come across anything not sold out. Pottery barn had exactly what I was looking for and they are unavailable. I need a good site that sells sopmething like what PB has. Any ideas ??

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

IT's A GIRL !!

We found out over a couple weeks ago the exciting news we are having another girl!! Now my husband knows it was destined to be surrounded by girls FOREVER!! His words after the nurse told us at the ultrasound is "we can always have a third try"...Is he crazy I haven't popped this one out yet!!.
A lot has happened in the month of April, after finding out we were having a girl my the Mr.Prep was offered a great job in Massachussetts(I might of spelt that wrong), so here we are 26 weeks pregnant buying a house 2 hours away and moving in a month.... stressful has not begun to describe how i feel. Things are moving along pretty well so far, we found a great cape and our offer has been excepted now just the logistics of it all needs to work out. Miss.Prep is very excited to move especially since the town we are moving too has family we are close to in age and have kids.
Its a new beginning in more ways than one..

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sring is HERE !!

I cant tell you how excited I am to see flowers budding and my sandals on my feet. Even though the weather here in CT has been in the 50's and my feet have been freezing I dont care bring on the sunshine!! I'm now 21 weeks pregnant and have been feeling the little peanut squirm more and more every day. Which also mean no sleep and more bathroom breaks. I have also been in Planning mode. What kind of crib to stroller to theme to all the decor I can think of. I would love some ideas if anyone has any. Over the weekend we took a trip up to the cape which was beautiful weather, and we picked up a few blue and yellow painted sea accents for the babies room. The Mr. has already decided its going to be a boy and that were doing the room in a nautical theme. I'm not sure if this is going to work or not. Please send me any ideas if you have any. Also I have been looking at strollers anyone no anything about the Uppa Baby strollers??

Sunday, January 31, 2010

What to do with all these presents??

Little Miss K's bday party was today!! Shes turning 8 next week so we celebrated today with some friends from her class at the local Bowling alley. It was fun and went by fast and I highly recommend having a kids bday party at a Bowling Alley, it kept them occupied and happy. We came home and Kyla opened her presents, she was very excited as I would be too if I had a pile of presents to open. Only problem is that 1/2 of them she has and came with no Gift recipt. So what do I do with them? Donate? Bring them back to walmart/target. I think it should be mandatory to include any gift with a GC. Am I wrong or selfish ? I just dont want to be stuck with something she doesnt need but wants to replace with something she can use.
Well on the other hand here is a pic of the bday girl and her special day>

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Football, chili and snowy sunday !!

Let me start off by saying I am NOT a football fan ! Baseball,hockey, even nascar I can sit through but Football kills me. They stop and pause and review more than they play. I recently heard on Regis and Kelly there is an actual 11 minutes of play time that is showed and 44 minutes of replay or judgeing(if thats what you would call it), and a surprising 3 seconds of cheerleading show. Who cares you say! HA!! not me!! but with one comfy couch in our house and one flat screen tv in front of it I get stuck watching football today. Its ok my husband is enjoying it and im going to keep myself busy on the computer. After making a good chili recipe from Sandra Lee, and the snow starting here, I think I can start to relax.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Soo tired cant spell it write!! I made so many errors and tiny mistakes today, it made me think I took a silly pill...:0
I havent been getting sleep, thanks to the hubby snoring and on top of that im exhausted always!!

Well in my last post i announed I'm expecting, and after going to the Dr. we found out the due date August 6th!! Exciting we know one more detail, after another month we will know the sex. Pink or Blue seems to be the topic everyday, and I really cant wait till I can start baby shopping, it kills me to go in a store and not buy a cute outfit. All though I did here once its bad luck to buy the first thing for baby, at least before its born. Has anyone heard that before???

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Excuses, excuses!!

Let me start off by saying Im back!! I thought I was running out of time during the day to blog. But soon realized I need to make time for myself. So now that my 7 year old missy went off to second grade in September I decided I needed to keep myself busy. I started working back at the Gap which I did last year Part time and now Im a manager. After working in an office for the last 10 years, I am looking forward to chage. So far I love it!! and the discount :)
The holidays came and went now after New years I decided my resolution would be blogging. It might sound silly but it keeps me sane and love reading everyone elses blogs! Getting great ideas is something I look forward too.
Another big shocker for us after thanksgiving was finding out IM PREGNANT !!
Were very excited and hopefully after my Dr.'s appt on tuesday we will know if its a boy or a girl!! Promise more blogs to come soon !!